“LAT. 41° 7’ N., LONG. 72° 19’ W”

East Marion, New York Martos Gallery There’s no sign. An address painted on a rock marks a narrow driveway leading to Jason Metcalf’s “historical” plaque commemorating ancient red-haired giants who may never have lived here. Beyond lies the combined summer home/gallery of Chelsea art dealer Jose Martos, artist Servane Mary, and their three-year-old son.

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Boston Boston Sculptors Gallery at the Christian Science Plaza When a group of artists working in various styles installs a site-specific show, uniformity is not guaranteed, nor even likely. Boston Sculptors’ summer installation, the first large-scale public art display in this city in living memory, set out to reflect its surroundings.

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Ted Larsen: Surfaced Forms

Ted Larsen’s sculptures are intimate and self-contained. His simple geometric forms resemble found objects, suggesting a past, reminiscent of something previously encountered. Though understated, the objects demand consideration: proximity encourages examination, which then reveals the nuanced complexity.

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San Francisco Fort Mason artMRKT is small in comparison to most art fairs, but it is in a much more interesting place. The third edition was held at Fort Mason, right on the Bay, with the salt water, wind, and fog creating a special, San Francisco kind of atmosphere outside the venue.

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Broward County Public Art

Broward County, Florida While Miami has attracted international attention for its art scene over the past decade, its neighbor to the north, Broward County, has been quietly expanding its collection of public sculpture. Broward encompasses several cities, including Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, and Davie; like Miami, it benefits from considerable tourism.

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