Lowell Miller

Woodstock, New York Fletcher Gallery Lowell Miller, a longtime student of sculpture, recently exhibited his linearly figurative work in a seemingly far-too-early career retrospective. The show offered Miller’s take on storytelling and craft, mapping that take on the body, naked and elemental.

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Magdalena Jetelová

Olomouc, Czech Republic Museum of Modern Art at the Olomouc Museum of Art Magdalena Jetelová’s work has always been antipodal, bringing to a point of suspension such opposites as displacement and precise coordinates, imbalance and equilibrium, occlusion and disclosure.

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Wen-fu Yu: Living Sculpture

Bamboo is a common material in Taiwan, used for everything from construction scaffolding and billboard supports to baskets. Bamboo is one of the most abundant plants growing in the central mountain ranges of Taiwan, and it is a sustainable and renewable resource: sprouts grow into tall poles in two years.

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Mary Mattingly

Philadelphia Delaware River From a distance, Mary Mattingly’s floating installation WetLand could be a storm-lashed hovel or beach cottage fighting to remain above water. And that wouldn’t be far off—this “house under water” summons associations with Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, as well as with homeowners struggling to keep their mortgages afloat.

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Ai Weiwei

San Francisco Alcatraz Island Ai Weiwei’s “@Large” exhibition (on view through April 26, 2015) features seven new site-specific installations situated in four buildings on Alcatraz Island. A steep and rocky island at the mouth of San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz measures only about 1,575 feet by 590 feet.

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