Marcela Cabutti, Acro-columnas enamoradas 2014. Perforated bricks, matal rods, and red blow glass balls, 145 x 245 x 24 cm.

Marcela Cabutti

Buenos Aires

Del Infinito Arte

The artist’s universe unfolds through various languages. Often the choice is unconscious; other times, it requires conscious specificity. Marcela Cabutti bases her work in architecture. Drawing on the lessons of architects Amancio Williams and Eladio Dieste—especially the concepts of utopia and construction—Cabutti emphasized the figure of Louis Kahn in her recent exhibition, “The confirmation of forms.” The connection of materiality to emotion is essential in her work: ideas bond with practice, resulting in works that become almost transcendent. Communication between the different parts echoes through the entire work. Opposites manifest through contrast but also find commonality: the opacity and roughness of brick combine with the brightness of polished crystal, and despite their differences, both need minerals, water, air, earth, and fire to exist…see the entire review in the print version of June’s Sculpture magazine.