Born in New Jersey in 1940 and based in Brussels since 1989, Peter Downsbrough has pursued a multifaceted practice featuring books (more than 75 since 1968), films, maquettes, photographs, sound pieces, wall pieces, and “room pieces,” which he calls “minimal stage sets.”
October 2013
Anne Lilly
New York Galerie Swanstroem Anne Lilly, a sculptor from Boston, recently put on a terrific show of tabletop kinetic works set in motion by hand. Created to necessarily exacting specifications, the various components weave in and out through her steel forms, just missing small disasters of entanglement or collision.
Jonathan Kirk
Hamilton, New York Clifford Art Gallery, Colgate University The works featured in “Machines: Fragments and Reveries” present Jonathan Kirk as a creative spirit in love with mechanisms and an artist who revels in working out ideas through materials.
Linda Huey
Brockton, Massachusetts Fuller Craft Museum The former Fuller Art Museum, now the Fuller Craft Museum, retains its dedication to craftspeople who also produce art. Dark Garden, a recent installation by veteran ceramicist Linda Huey, was a case in point.
Richard Jackson
Newport Beach, California Orange County Museum of Art Richard Jackson, who emerged during the 1970s and ’80s, is best known for environments, mazes, corridors, painting machines, and wildly extravagant dioramas that reiterate iconic artworks from the Romantic period to the present.
Christopher Miles
Pasadena Pasadena Museum of Art Christopher Miles’s biomorphic sculptures have life, one that’s visible in the marks, dents, and patterns that inform their surfaces. Bridging humor and the grotesque, they speak to the aesthetics of painterly abstraction and trash art, with an awkward beauty that tips over into elegance.
2013 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Awards
The International Sculpture Center is proud to present the winners of the 2013 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Awards. This year’s program attracted a large number of nominees from university sculpture programs in North America and abroad.
You Are What You Make: A Conversation with Wayne Potratz
The recipient of the International Sculpture Center’s 2013 Outstanding Educator Award, Wayne Potratz will have taught at the University of Minnesota for 45 years when he retires in 2014. A metal caster, he was the first artist on the U of M faculty to be named Professor and Scholar of the College.
The Dreamer Arranges Reality: A Conversation with Sheila Hicks
Sheila Hicks has devoted her career to exploring the aesthetic and structural qualities of fiber in new contexts. Her work challenges the functional mandate of conventional textiles, as well as the sexism inherent in artistic hierarchies.
Systems: A Conversation with Nancy Holt
Nancy Holt was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Sculpture Center in 2013. For a full list of Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, click here. Nancy Holt, whose work spans more than four decades, is acclaimed as a filmmaker, photographer, writer, and sculptor.