Richard Jackson, Painting with Two Balls, 1997. Ford Pinto, metal, wood, canvas, and acrylic paint, 610 x 110 x 610 cm.

Richard Jackson

Newport Beach, California

Orange County Museum of Art

Richard Jackson, who emerged during the 1970s and ’80s, is best known for environments, mazes, corridors, painting machines, and wildly extravagant dioramas that reiterate iconic artworks from the Romantic period to the present. “Ain’t Painting a Pain,” his recent retrospective, was the largest presentation of his work since his U.S. Pavilion exhibition at the 48th Venice Biennale. Curated by Dennis Szakacs, director of OCMA, “Ain’t Painting a Pain” traced Jackson’s trajectory through preliminary sketches and drawings, as well as large-scale and room-size installations... see the entire review in the print version of October’s Sculpture magazine.