Bernar Venet, (Left) Interminate Area, 1998. Torch-cut steel, 98 x 168.5 x 1.4 in. (Right) Two Interminate Areas, 1998. Torch-cut steel, 98 x 168.5 x 1.4 in Almost 30 feet high and painted bright red, Bernar Venet’s Acute Angle of 19.5 (1986) stands in sharp contrast to the predictably right-angled facade of a nearby office
Nancy Blum
Minneapolis Circa Gallery The idea that a work of art can reflect some latent scientific function or suggest some unknown technological purpose, without really possessing either, is a construct that has been bandied about by scores of artists over the past decade… for the full review see the print edition of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Louise Nevelson: Sculpture and Drawings from the 1940s
New York Louise Nevelson, Untitled, 1941-47. Ceramic, 18.25 x 12 x 5 in. Having already explored Louise Nevelson’s works of the ’30s in a 1997 exhibition, the current Washburn Gallery show looks at Nevelson’s development in the late ’40s.
Vassilis Yeros
Athens, Greece Kreonidis Gallery The Games of Light is the title of the latest work by Greek artist Vassilis Yeros, born in Arcadia in 1957… for the full review see the print edition of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Petah Coyne
New York Galerie Lelong ln a sharp departure from the hanging wax pieces for which she is well known, Petah Coyne offered “Fairy Tales”… for the full review see the print version of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Dispatch: Everyday, the 11th Biennale of Sydney
Sidney’s Biennale would have done well to drop the title “Everyday,” which in the face of the new Minimalist and conceptual works selected by curator Jonathan Watkins… for the full review see the print edition of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Lita Albuquerque
Venice, CA William Turner Gallery Lita AIbuquerque’s new sculptures look like remnants of ancient codices, unearthed from the sands of time, with poems… for the full review see the print version of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Jackie Brookner
St. Louis Gallery 210, University of Missouri Jackie Brookners installation is a visceral celebration of elemental matter and emotions… for the full review see the print version of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Anne Chu and Bonnie Collura
Dallas The Dallas Museum of Fine Art Artistically speaking, Bonnie Collura is a child of old Hollywood and Disneyland, with a hankering for the 17th century thrown in… for the full review see the print edition of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.