Richmond Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University Containing elements of childhood play, both sensuous and sensual pleasure, … see the print edition of November 1999’s edition of Sculpture magazine for the full review.
“Club Mix”
Birmingham, UK While publicizing an event as a “collaborative head-on ‘clash’ between the contemporary inner-city club scene and… for the full review see November 1999’s edition of Sculpture magazine.
Moustapha Dime
Paris Hotel de Ville Paris, these days, is so international that it’s hard to find sculpture by living French artists… for the full review see the print edition of November 1999’s version of Sculpture magazine.
Pipilotti Rist
Paris For her first solo show in France, Pipiloni Rist invented a fictitious character named Himalaya… for the full review see the print edition of November 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Anselm Kiefer
Giuseppe Uncini
Ramiz Barquet and Roqelio Diaz
Puerto Vallarta. Mexico Pacifica Gallery The work of Mexican artists Ramiz Barquet, 78, and Rogelio Diaz, 32, seems as different yet as natural as the pulsing ocean and the craggy mountains… see the full review in the print edition of October 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Cyberarts Festival
Boston The first Boston Cyberarts Festival combined a variety of art forms, including electronic art, music, dance, painting, photography, sculpture, and weaving, shown at a variety of institutions across the area… for the full review see the print edition of October 1999’s Sculpture magazine.