San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art Like a lingering melody, the installations of Valeska Soares explore time and memory, accentuating the ephemeral nature of existence. Even before entering the galleries where the works are installed, the balmy scent of vanilla, orange blossoms, and spice announces their presence.
December 1999
December 1999
Stanislav Kolíbal
Vienna Knoll Galerie Knoll Galerie in Vienna, which has been widely known for its long tradition of promoting artists from Central and Eastern Europe, recently showed the work of Stanislav Kolibal. Born in 1925, Kolibal is one of the most eminent contemporary Czech artists.
The Object as Protagonist: An Interview with Los Carpinteros – Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo, and Dagoberto Rodriguez
Working under the name “Los Carpinteros,” Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo, and Dagoberto Rodriguez are among the most innovative and internationally sought-after Cuban contemporary artists. The group’s elegant and mordantly humorous sculptures, drawings, and installations draw their inspiration from the physical world—particularly that of architecture and furniture.
The Art Guys Again and Again
Tacoma, WA Tacoma Art Museum The Art Guys are smart guys, indeed. Jack Massing and Michael Galbreth craft extraordinary objects from ordinary origins. The exhibition is very well orchestrated; a blend of two-dimensional studies, small maquettes, and objects affords viewers a glimpse into their imagination, technical facility, and sense of humor.
Atelier van Lieshout
Tampa University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum For the 10th anniversary of the University of South Florida’s Contemporary Art Museum, works by the Dutch collaborative group Atelier Van Lieshout filled all interior spaces of the museum as well as the outdoor entrance plaza.
El Objeto Protagonista: Una Entrevista con Los Carpinteros – Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo y Dagoberto Rodriguez
Trabajando bajo el nombre “Los Carpinteros”, Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo y Dagoberto Rodriguez están entre los artistas contemporáneos cubanos mas inovadores y con mas éxito internacional. Las esculturas e instalaciones elegantes y mordantes del grupo llevan su inspiración del mundo físico – en particular ese de arquitectura y muebles.
Jim Isermann
Santa Monica Santa Monica Museum of Art Jim lsermann’s traveling retrospective, “Fifteen,” currently at the Santa Monica Museum of Art, seems-at first take-to be as unthreatening (in terms of aesthetic decision-making) as a furniture showroom. The exhibition presents itself as a candid discussion of egalitarian visual pleasure- even homespun beauty.
Dispatch: HorseHead International 1999 and “Sculpture: 40,000 Years Later”
Two major sculpture exhibitions, “HorseHead International 1999” and “Sculpture: 40,000 YearsLater,” brought together… see December 2022’s print version of Sculpture magazine.
Humanizing the Machine
Electronic systems provide kinetic sculpture with greater mobility and more humanlike randomness of motion, enhancing some artists’ desire to demystify the machine….see the full review in December’s magazine.