Dublin “Inner Art,” an intelligent and humane initiative undertaken by the Fire Station Artists’ Studios… see the print version for the full review.
Mark di Suvero
Paris Like the most dynamic paintings of Kline or de Kooning… see the print version for the full review.
Lili Dujourie
London Lisson Gallery The most recent sculptures of Belgian artist Lili Dujourie extend beyond the lightness and dramatic effervescence of her previous works… see the print version for the full review.
Dispatch: The Guggenheim Museum
Bilbao Bilbao is a 19th-century industrial city in Spain’s Basque country and like many other 20th-century cities… see the print version for the review.
Dispatch: inSITE97
San Diego and Tijuana lnSlTE97 was the third in a series of binational exhibitions of art in public places that has operated at a high order of magnitude since its inception in 1992… see the print version for the full review.
Dispatch: Chinati Foundation
Marfa, TX Richard Long, Sea Lava Circles, 1988. Icelandic rocks, 13.5 ft. dia. Donald Judd Estate, Todd Eberle C 1993. No matter how loud political art shrieks against it or how determined revisionists are to denigrate its formal qualities, Minimalism will not die.
Poetry Out of Chaos: A Conversation with Judy Pfaff
Judy Pfaff’s installations confront sculptural and architectural concepts-mass, scale, inner and outer space, multiple perspectives-yet they also contain raw emotional and sensory chords that may surprise and confuse viewers. Born in London, Pfaff earned a BFA from Washington University in St.
Stone Mystery or Malaise?
Louise Bourgeois, Nature Study, 1986. Marble, 33 x 28 x 21.5 in. Janet Fleisher Gallery, Philadelphia. Stone is both a burden and a source of inspiration for sculptors because it carries with it associations of permanence, purity, monumentality, beauty, and decoration.