Oren Pinhassi

NEW YORK Lehmann Maupin Constructed through a distinctive process of layering sand over burlap-wrapped steel armatures, these faceless geometric/anthropomorphic structures defy consistency of form, yet each one stands on a base of toed “feet” that resemble soft talons gripping a stone.

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Ibrahim Mahama

EDINBURGH Fruitmarket In what amounts to a palimpsest of ideas and materials, Mahama brings scraps and fragments salvaged from the German-built Henschel trains used on the railway together into contemporary works that evoke something of the mental and physical anguish of that history, transplanting it into a gallery that appropriately sits atop a major arterial railway station.

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Ho Tzu Nyen

SINGAPORE Singapore Art Museum Ho Tzu Nyen’s recent exhibition “Time & the Tiger” foregrounded the slippery relation between sculpture and film—two seemingly contradictory media—playing up cinematic form with a sculptural attention to the means of presentation.

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