Takashi Soga: Meditations on Gravity

“The earth we all rely on is, in fact, an unsteady ball floating in space,” wrote Haruhiko Fuji. Takashi Soga gives visual form to this maxim. His disorienting monumental structures disrupt our reliance on terra firma, our expectations of spatial relationships, our assumptions about the very ground of what we call reality.

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Pietrasanta: The View from the Outside

To say that Pietrasanta resembles the Vatican sounds—and indeed is—absurd. But consider this: Pietrasanta, like the Vatican, is a small community that stands at a distinct remove from the rest of the world. Yet Pietrasanta is—again like the Vatican—the center of an empire that spans every continent of the globe.

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Mel Kendrick: Extended Time

The sculptures of Mel Kendrick are remarkably various: they twist and rotate and pulse as engaging experiments in positive and negative space. From the start of his career, in the early 1970s, Kendrick has taken a strong interest in piecing together parts and planes of wood, sometimes painting his work to accentuate the relationship between

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