Shanghai There is no easy way to approach Xiang Jing’s work…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Random Observations Regarding Futurist Sculpture
Futurism is 100 years old this year, yet there is barely a sign of the rambunctious movement having mellowed with age. Exhibitions in Paris, Milan, Venice, and London celebrating the centenary have only added to the many open questions that still remain to be answered.
Physical States of Being: A Conversation with Carole Feuerman
Carole Feuerman has been working and exhibiting at “full speed ahead” for four decades. Over the last 10 years, with the growth of international biennials and art fairs, her international reputation has grown by leaps and bounds.
Thinking Through Objects: Malia Jensen
Malia Jensen has emerged from a generation of younger sculptors who express content through a language of hybrid objects, rather than continuing last century’s aesthetic exploration of art about art. Her recent exhibition “Conjunctions,” at the Richard Gray Gallery in Chicago, forged adroit combinations of materials and meanings to fabricate sculpture of physical, conceptual, and
Mark Manders
Ghent Navigating through Mark Manders’s floor plans, rooms, landscapes, and…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Mobile Homes: A Conversation with Casey McGuire
Casey McGuire combines moving imagery of her own body, often in vulnerable positions, with architectural and animal forms to create installations whose atmosphere is both alluring and disconcerting. An Honorable Mention recipient of the International Sculpture Center’s Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Awards for her “Sand Mandala Series” (Sculpture, October 2005), McGuire was an
2009 Outstanding Student Achievement In Contemporary Sculpture Awards
The International Sculpture Center is proud to present the winners of the 2009 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award. This year’s program attracted a record number of nominees from university sculpture programs in North America and abroad.
The Great Equalizer: James Florschutz
For three decades, James Florschutz has been a gatherer, primarily collecting organic debris from the woods near his Vermont home. The last couple of years have found him tossing detritus culled from more urban areas into the trunk of his car as well.
Winifred Lutz
Philadelphia The beauty of Winifred Lutz’s vision resides…see the full review in September’s magazine.
José Luis Cuevas
Mexico City José Luis Cuevas (Mexico City, 1934) is well known…see the full review in September’s magazine.