James Turrell

Los Angeles Los Angeles County Museum of Art James Turrell’s ongoing exploration of light as art is grounded in the phenomenological even as it touches on the philosophical. Immanence comes quickly to mind because the consistency or quiddity of his work is keyed to the viewer’s act of perceiving and because light also alludes to

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Jene Highstein

New York Clocktower Gallery When I arrived in New York in late 1975, straight from an MFA program in sculpture, I recall seeing Jene Highstein’s forms and not knowing exactly what to make of them. They played a prominent role in various exhibitions at the alternative spaces where sculpture was being shown at the time,

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Johannes Girardoni

Los Angeles Nye + Brown Gallery After a trip to West Africa, installational light artist Johannes Girar­doni was sharply reminded of the extent to which algorithms for digital identity have influenced how we read our environment and relate to one another.

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Alan Rath

San Francisco Hosfelt Gallery Electronic arts pioneer Alan Rath has been making robotic sculptures that challenge the boundaries of biomorphic projection since the 1980s. Each sculpture in his recent exhibition, “Irrational Exuberance,” has a personality of its own.

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“Art and Sustainability IV: Metaphors to Embrace the World”

Buenos Aires Praxis International Art Gallery “Art and Sustainability IV” curator Rodrigo Alonso selected his six artists based on their ability to create “metaphors to embrace the world.” The exhibition’s subtitle is extremely important, because as Alonso explains, “Unlike other professional spheres, such as architecture or design, art cannot easily contribute to the actual material

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Maya Lin

Newport, Rhode Island Queen Anne Square Maya Lin’s The Meeting Room, a redo of Newport’s Queen Anne Square, incorporates the talents of two longtime Lin collaborators: calligrapher and stone carver Nicolas Benson and landscape designer Edwina von Gal.

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