September/October 2024

Circulating Energy: A Conversation with Yuko Mohri

Translated from Japanese by Gaku Kondo Yuko Mohri creates kinetic sound installations from reconfigured audio components and found everyday objects—everything from discarded furniture, motors, and rolls of paper to light bulbs and water. Networked assemblages that respond to the context in which they are fabricated, her multisensory environments form unique and changeable energy courses, their

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Becky Evans and Lori Goodman

EUREKA, CALIFORNIA Barn Gallery The artists conjure big effects from modest means, fixing textured masses of excelsior—also known as wood wool—to the gallery walls. Thousands of coiled shavings mass together into a tangled pelt that rambles like kudzu, blurring the room’s edges.

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Gillian Lowndes

BATH, U.K. The Holburne Museum Lowndes, who died in 2010, trained in ceramics, attending the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London from 1955 to 1958, at a time when experimentation was at a peak. Both teachers and students were at the heart of that movement for change, and the Central School was a crucible for the new, the inventive, and the downright strange.

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