Bellevue, Washington Set in Downtown Park in Bellevue, Washington, the 2004 Sculpture Exhibition had something for everyone. The small park is a semi-formal setting, with a large pond and artificial waterfall at its center, informal trees around the perimeter, and large areas of unarticulated green lawns, all ideal settings for outdoor sculpture.
November 2004
Ann Stoddard
Ft. Washington, Maryland The funny relationship that…see the full review in November’s magazine.
The Shadow of Life’s Mechanisms: A Conversation With Miroslaw Balka
Worn medicine balls-used in Poland for physical therapy exercises-slowly turn counter-clockwise threaded on a steel rope, evoking the passage of time and the unflattering effects of aging….see the full feature in November’s magazine.
Expanding Space/Engaging Viewers: Mirrors and Reflective Materials in Contemporary Sculpture
Contemporary sculptors are using mirrors and reflective materials in exciting new ways to expand space and engage viewers. The mirror theme also seems to be popular with curators, and reflective surfaces are popping up in many group shows, including the 2004 Whitney Biennial.
Robert Taplin
Middletown, Connecticut The ancient Greeks, according to…see the full review in November’s magazine.
Israel Hadany
The Negev, Israel With this exceptionally beautiful…see the full review in November’s magazine.
Markus Lupertz
West Hollywood While better known in America…see the full review in November’s magazine.
Isaac Witkin’s Recent Work: Return to First Principles
To say that Isaac Witkin has had a long and distinguished career is, for once, not simply a useful cliché. Four decades ago, in the early days of “swinging London,” the young Witkin and a group of his equally young friends, all recent graduates of St.