Philadelphia The Clay Studio Sadashi lnuzuka, River, 1999. Clay, installation views. Sadashi lnuzukas recent installation, River, repeated a formula that he has used frequently: that of spreading wet clay across the surface of the flood letting it dry and crack, and then hanging or installing on the wall above it fired clay sculptures that present
Magdalena Jetelová: Enigmatic Sculpture of Time and Place
Jetelová’s sculptures range from objects in space to architectural space as sculpture …see the full feature in May’s magazine.
Yuriko Yamaguchi
Washington, DC
Grisha Bruskin
New York
Issey Miyake
New York
“Regarding Beauty”
Washington, DC
Making Public Art Work
Citizen involvement in public art initiatives is a common goal and a rare reality …see the full feature in April’s magazine.
Barbara Broughel
New York
“OPEN ’999”