ln 1953, Lile Magazine named Kenneth Callahan…see the full review in June’s magazine.
“Lucky Number 7”
Santa Fe For “Lucky Number 7,” SITE Santa Fe’s 7th biennial…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Excavating Destiny: A Conversation with Shawn Skabelund
Since his first installation, A Line, Issued Out of the Ground (1994), which traced the ties connecting dam construction and Chinook salmon deaths in the Columbia River Basin, Flagstaff-based Shawn Skabelund has been creating large-scale, site-specific, socio-political works that explore what Wendell Berry calls the “unsettling of America,” namely, the effects, marks, and changes that humans make
James Carl
Toronto Jalousie,” an exhibition of new pieces begun…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Reality Check: When Appropriation Becomes Copyright Infringement
In this day and age, what does an artist really need to know about copyright? What exactly can legally and ethically be claimed as one’s copyright—and as copyright infringement? And how to make sense of news reports in December 2008 of a demand sent to a 16-year-old collage artist in London for appropriating a photo
Stephen De Staebler
Chicago Stephen De Staebler’s recent work maintains an…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Darrell Petit: Mass and Matter
In Darrell Petit’s environmental sculptures, stone achieves a dialogue between order and chaos, a balance between mass and space. By preserving the ties between sculptural forms and their source in the earth, Petit acknowledges our place within the context of nature.
Lin Tianmiao
Beijing Lin Tianmiao, one of China’s most interesting…see the full review in May’s magazine.
“A (new) Genre Landscape”
Atlanta For at least a decade, Atlanta has been…see the full review in May’s magazine.
On the Track of BMW’s Art Cars: A Conversation with Thomas Girst
Marriages of brand-name artistic talent and luxury consumer goods don’t get much better than the partnership showcased on a recent summer day in southern Germany. At the Formula 1 Grand Prix racetrack, racing enthusiast Frank Stella was co-driving a 1975 BMW M1 ProCar hand-painted by Andy Warhol.