NEW YORK Galerie Gmurzynska Presenting myriad mixed-media collage works executed throughout the late 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s, the exhibition demonstrates that collage was not only a passing fancy for Nevelson, but the mooring to her entire enterprise.
Peter DeCamp Haines, Eric Sealine, Jocelyn Shu
BOSTON Boston Sculptors Gallery Boston Sculptors Gallery, the only sculpture collaborative in the country, is currently hosting three solo exhibitions to cap its fall season.
La experimentación curiosa: Una Conversación con Jimena Croceri
Artista multidisciplinaria, Jimena Croceri trabaja en el campo de la performance, el video, la producción de objetos, el dibujo y la escritura. Con la mirada puesta en los cuerpos, observa la interacción entre materialidades diversas y sus afectos en dichos cuerpos.
Bruce Beasley: Process of Becoming
Just about everything Bruce Beasley has sculpted over the last 60 years circles around one fundamental question: How can an unmoving object—made of enduring materials such as cast iron, aluminum, bronze, stainless steel, granite, acrylic polymer resin, and maple—seem to be in the shape it takes only momentarily, either having recently come to rest in
Millicent Young
STONE RIDGE, NEW YORK merge Entering Millicent Young’s site-specific retrospective “Alter Altar: 20 Years,” on view in merge’s two newly refurbished barns, is like entering a concise representation of human history.
Life Stories: A Conversation with Carla Gimbatti
Carla Gimbatti, who divides her time between Buenos Aires and New York, begins her work with obser- vation. Interested in origins, she wants to know what lies behind the patterns and textures of the world—the marks of time and experience written into everything from immense sedimentary land formations to the tiniest details of human handprints.
Elisa D’Arrigo
NEW YORK Elizabeth Harris Gallery Delightfully bodied and splendidly decked out in glazes of many colors, the 20 new ceramic works in Elisa D’Arrigo’s current exhibition make their presence emphatically felt despite the modesty of their measurements.
Mika Rottenberg
SAN FRANCISCO Contemporary Jewish Museum Captured in one of Rottenberg’s spell-binding loops, as if in a newly created circle of Hell, you return again and again to each of these strange scenes, trying to parse their meaning.
Passion To Connect: A Conversation with Bhajan Hunjan
Bhajan Hunjan was born and raised in Kenya. After moving to the U.K. to study fine art at Reading University, she went on to gain a postgraduate degree in printmaking from the Slade School of Fine Art and to study ceramics at the former Central School of Art in London.