Emily Speed works between performance and sculpture, exploring the body, architecture, and their interrelationship—with surprising results. Since graduating with an MA from London’s Wimbledon College of Art in 2006, she’s been quite active, working on various projects and exhibiting in a number of international group shows.
Roxy Paine-Dendroids, Replicants, and Sculpture Machines
Roxy Paine has won considerable attention from the art world for various bodies of work, including stainless steel tree forms (dendroids); arrangements of psychedelic and poisonous mushrooms, as well as artificially made, weedchoked gardens (replicants); and machines that make drawings, paintings, and sculptures.
Eli Bornstein
Saskatoon and Winnipeg, Canada Mendel Art Gallery and the School of Art Gallery, University of Manitoba Perception lies at the heart of Eli Bornstein’s 60-year career, spent in unwavering fidelity to the trinity of color, light, and structure.
The Power of Objects: A Conversation with Aristotle Georgiades
While in law school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I decided to pursue an MFA in sculpture at the same time. I needed an advocate in the art department who would supervise my ad hoc joint degree, and thankfully, I found Aris Georgiades, who eventually became the chair of my graduate committee.
Susan Philipsz
Dusseldorf Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, K21 Standhaus Fraught chords and choked notes from unseen instruments fill three galleries. In two of the spaces, recorded string sounds emerge from black electronic speakers mounted in a serpentine line across a long white wall, while a floor-level speaker offers unexpected horn noises.
David R. Harper
Toronto Doris McCarthy Gallery Beastliness characterizes the sculptures in David Harper’s recent exhibition “Entre le chien et le loup,” running the gamut from the animal as disguise to the animal as keepsake or memento—all of which has to do with an aesthetic inquiry into our devaluation and trivialization of the natural world.
Haegue Yang
Seattle Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington South Korean-born and Berlin-based multimedia artist Haegue Yang has proved her mettle. With a clever imagination, she has shown that she can assemble unique and, at times, puzzling works characterized by a cool ambition.
Jeff Gibbons
Dallas Centraltrak: The University of Texas at Dallas Artists Residency Texas inter-media artist Jeff Gibbons is interested in the feedback loop of living creatures, especially when that circle wobbles between equilibrium and disequilibrium. The title of his small exhibition at Centraltrak: The University of Texas at Dallas Artists Residency—“Let the Drip from the Ceiling Become
“Radio Waves: New York, Nouveau Réalisme and Rauschenberg”
New York Sperone Westwater Too few small exhibitions celebrate important events in the history of contemporary art in New York. It is both pleasurable and informative to see this kind of show, particularly when the works address the impact of European artists on their New York counterparts.