Atlanta Solomon Projects Spare gestures of wood and pigment express an Asian sensibility in new sculptures by New York artist Lynda Grimm… for the full review see the print edition of October 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Andreas Slominski
Berlin Deutsche Guggenheim Traps to catch the eye-we all fall for them. Berlin’s 18-month-old Deutsche Guggenheim, centrally situated… for the full review see the print edition of October 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
“Floored: Floor Based Sculpture Installation”
Cleveland SPACES The floor sculptures and installations at SPACES ranged from studio dust particles stenciled into carpet patterns, to corseted… for the full review see the print edition of October 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Ramiz Barquet and Rogelio Diaz
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Cyberarts Festival
Cy Twombly, 10 Sculptures
Rome American Academy in Rome As a painter, Cy Twombly is best known for his childlike scrawls and monumental, sprawling canvases. Twombly the sculptor is less well known… for the full review see the print edition of September 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Don Prince, Michael Warren,
and John Ford
Belfast Ormeau Baths Gallery According to the gallery handout, this exhibition “explores the way in which three sculptors have used maquettes and working drawings to illustrate ideas and themes in their art practice… see the full review in the print edition of September 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Cathy Carman
Dublin Templebar Gallery Cathy Carman is a mature lrish sculptor, one of hundreds in the Republic of lreland, yet one of the few with a substantial and coherent oeuvre… for the full review see the print edition of September 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Robert Hess
Salem, OR Hallie Ford Museum of Art Sculpting and teaching in Oregon since 1973, Robert Hess is a veteran in the world of Pacific Northwest sculpture who is primarily known for his metalwork… for the full review see the print edition of September 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Sylvie Fleury, John Armleder, Antony Gormley
Los Angeles ACE Gallery The installations of Swiss artists Sylvie Fleury and John Armleder, filling an entire wing of this massive gallery… see the full review in the print edition of September 1999’s Sculpture magazine.