Louise Bourgeois, Nature Study, 1986. Marble, 33 x 28 x 21.5 in. Janet Fleisher Gallery, Philadelphia. Stone is both a burden and a source of inspiration for sculptors because it carries with it associations of permanence, purity, monumentality, beauty, and decoration.
Negotiating Boundaries: inSITE97
Five artists discuss their explorations of the U.S.-Mexico border through sculptures and installations responding to universal, political, and conceptual issues …see the full review in February’s magazine.
Public Art in Brazil
The cities of Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, Recife, Olinda, and São Paulo offer a range of public sculpture characterized by local and international influences …see the full review in February’s magazine.
New York Story: In Public Art, Artists and Audiences Transcend Geography
Maria Elena Gonzalez, The Persistence of Sorrow (detail), 1996. Wood, rubber, Braille, vaseline, and tile, 14 x 18 x 22 ft. Some say that New York is not the center of the world. I disagree. As I type these words into my computer this early morning, alone in my study on the Lower East Side,
The Architecture of Light and Space: An Interview with Stephen Antonakos
Neon Barrier, 1968. Neon, 2 x 2 x 30 ft. Stephen Antonakos has been a pioneer in the sculptural use of light since the 1960s. In addition to a number of ground-breaking gallery installations in New York, such as Neon Barrier and Walk-on Neon, he has also created permanent public works in New York, Tacoma,
Texture, Grace, and Drama An interview with Mary Lucier
Mary Lucier began her career as a sculptor, but has concentrated on video installation since 1973. Her works in that medium have been exhibited all over the world. For House on the Water, created for the Spoleto Festival U.S.A.’s