The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden
(Foreground) Mark di Suvero, Arikidea (detail), 1977–82. Cor-Ten steel, steel, and cedar, 316.5 x 510 x 450 in. (Background) Siah Armajani, Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge, 1988. “And now I cannot remember how I would have had it.
Portrait of the Atom as a Force Diagram in Space: Kenneth Snelson’s Digital Excursions
Kenneth Snelson’s large-scale sculptures of steel tubes and wires have gained international recognition in exhibitions and collections worldwide. However, Snelson’s interest in the construction of matter has also produced an entirely different line of work on a submicroscopic level: his on-going art work “Portrait of an Atom.”
Kenneth Snelson: The Lyricism of Structure
Kenneth Snelson was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Sculpture Center in 1999. For a full list of Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, click here. View of Kenneth Snelson’s studio, 1981 The sculpture of Kenneth Snelson holds a place at the core of one of the principal concerns of 20th-century visual art.
Memorial for Anonymous: An Interview with Christine Borland
English Family China (detail), 1998. Bone china, 5 groups consisting of 2 to 5 pieces, dimensions variable. A prominent member of the group of artists frequently described as “Young British Artists” (YBAs), Scottish-born Christine Borland lives and works in Glasgow.