The Object as Protagonist: An Interview with Los Carpinteros – Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo, and Dagoberto Rodriguez
Working under the name “Los Carpinteros,” Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo, and Dagoberto Rodriguez are among the most innovative and internationally sought-after Cuban contemporary artists. The group’s elegant and mordantly humorous sculptures, drawings, and installations draw their inspiration from the physical world—particularly that of architecture and furniture.
El Objeto Protagonista: Una Entrevista con Los Carpinteros – Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo y Dagoberto Rodriguez
Trabajando bajo el nombre “Los Carpinteros”, Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo y Dagoberto Rodriguez están entre los artistas contemporáneos cubanos mas inovadores y con mas éxito internacional. Las esculturas e instalaciones elegantes y mordantes del grupo llevan su inspiración del mundo físico – en particular ese de arquitectura y muebles.
Humanizing the Machine
Electronic systems provide kinetic sculpture with greater mobility and more humanlike randomness of motion, enhancing some artists’ desire to demystify the machine….see the full review in December’s magazine.
Karin Sander: Hybrid Encounters
An elderly, gray-haired man wearing a blue suit stands with one foot ahead of the other: you feel age pressing on his body but also note his calm resolve. A child with a slightly concerned expression, nervous shoulders, and turned-in feet seems at once brave and scared; a young woman in bright, circa-1970s clothing, including
Signs and Wonders
A number of contemporary artists explore the liminal world between the technical and the human while also demonstrating a millennial longing for transcendence….see the full review in December’s magazine.