Richard Deacon prefers to call himself a fabricator. Several aspects of Deacon’s self-perception as a sculptor, as well as his conception of the place and role of sculpture, are wrapped up in this label. He says, “Material and its manipulation are core areas in what I do.
Pushing Beyond the Limits: Walter Zimmerman
Walter Zimmerman pushes glass to and beyond its limits, forcing surfaces to crack and bubble, as well as treating found objects with care and precision….see the full review in November’s magazine.
The Extreme Situation is Beautiful: An Interview with Hou Hanru
Independent curator and critic Hou Hanru embodies the new globalism of the contemporary art world. Born and educated in China, he has been based in Paris since 1990. While architectural projects have a special significance for him, his shows also explore the opposition between tradition and modernity in novel ways, and present a unique vision
A View from Above: Sculpture in L.A. Today
In the latest installment of the “American Sculpture Tour” series, Marlena Donohue explores the intense, diverse, and theatrical sculpture of Los Angeles…see the full review in November’s magazine.
The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden
(Foreground) Mark di Suvero, Arikidea (detail), 1977–82. Cor-Ten steel, steel, and cedar, 316.5 x 510 x 450 in. (Background) Siah Armajani, Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge, 1988. “And now I cannot remember how I would have had it.
Portrait of the Atom as a Force Diagram in Space: Kenneth Snelson’s Digital Excursions
Kenneth Snelson’s large-scale sculptures of steel tubes and wires have gained international recognition in exhibitions and collections worldwide. However, Snelson’s interest in the construction of matter has also produced an entirely different line of work on a submicroscopic level: his on-going art work “Portrait of an Atom.”