Mother of All Wheat, 2014-15. Galvanized iron, polycarbonate, Perspex, LED tubes, wheat, photopolymer 3D prints, epoxy pigments, cement, salt, soil, latex, seeds, and grains, 230 x 2010 x 23 cm.

Unnatural Histories of the Natural: A Conversation with Tomer Sapir

In July 2008, an animal carcass of unknown identity washed up on the shores of Ditch Plains, New York. This object, which became known as the “Montauk Monster,” has proved to be a major catalyst in the evolution of Tomer Sapir’s work. A crypto-taxidermist, the Israeli artist creates sculptures that integrate fiction and reality, organic and synthetic materials. The result: a unique body of work in which nature and the unnatural co-exist in harmony. Angela Levine: Could you tell me the story of the Montauk Monster and how it affected you? Tomer Sapir: This carcass, with bloodstains on its body, was a kind of hybridization between mammal and fowl. The photo aroused compassion in me, but I was also aware of its threatening aspect as an unidentified creature. …see the entire article in the print version of March’s Sculpture magazine.