Mark Hadjipateras

Athens lleana Tounta Art Center Artio Gallery Two solo exhibitions have presented the works of Mark Hadjipateras in Athens galleries. The first one took place at the lleana Tounta Art Center and the second a month later, at the Artio Gallery.

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Luigi Mainolfi, Giuseppe Maraniello

Pesaro, Italy Pescheria Center for Vrsual Art This year the Pescheria Center for Visual Art held an exhibition of works by two artists who have been prominent on the contemporary art scene for many years. The work of Luigi Mainolfi and Giuseppe Maraniello on exhibit in the beautiful loggia of the Pescheria reconfirms the persistence

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Marita Dingus

Seattle Francine Seders Gallery Marita Dingus, Shackles, Mixed media, installation view. During a three-month stay with a friend who lived near Texas College in Tyler, Texas, Seattle artist Marita Dingus immersed herself in artifacts and texts about the African-American slave experience.

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Richard Marquis

Objects, 1967-1997 Seattle Seattle Art Museum Blizzard’s Suspense, Blown and cast glass,26.5 x 25.5 x 11 in. Richard Marquis’s quirky, mindful art encapsulates layers of history. His 51 objects at the Seattle Art Museum, created over the past 30 years, compete for the viewers attention… See the print version of Sculpture Magazine for the full

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David Smith

Mountainville, NY Storm King David Smith, (Foreground) Sitting Printer, 1954. Bronze. (Background) Untitled (Candida). Stainless steel. David Smith s sculptures are meant to be seen through. That aspect of the work was made eminently clear in an installation at Storm King Art Center this summer… See the full review in the print version of Sculpture

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