Steven Claydon, Saturated Triangle (double sea-lion), 2013. Oil on canvas, laminated wood, ceramic, synthetic straw, Perspex, and rivet, 36 x 36 x 4 in.

Steven Claydon

Los Angeles

David Kordansky Gallery

In this exhibition, English artist Steven Claydon presented a group of sculptures that, despite their conceptual nature, are oddly traditional and highly theatrical. The work is concerned with communicating connections between matter and information, meaning and status. Because of this, interpretation depends on memories, associations, and implied meanings instilled in the objects. The fact that these meanings can’t be pinned down accentuates the thingness of the works, their dual position as material projections and repositories of social values. Claydon produces a distancing and somewhat mysterious experience that, regardless of its coolness, still invites absorption and engagement. While working with notions of beauty and formal relations, he also critiques these values… see the entire review in the print version of January/February’s Sculpture magazine.