Patrick McDonough, installation view of “brightveridiansentinelevents,” 2014.

Patrick McDonough

Washington, DC 

Katzen Arts Center, American University

As Patrick McDonough would be the first to say, he doesn’t like to repeat himself. “brightveridiansentinel­events,” his seventh solo project in Washington, DC, since completing his MFA at George Washington Univ­er­­sity in 2010, again demonstrated his prolific inventiveness. His past projects have included designing citywide geo-caching games, re-jiggering foosball tables, and painting large swathes of grass with sport paint to create literal color field paintings. McDonough’s socially engaged, conceptual projects consistently focus on leisure pursuits, spectator fandom, and out-of-the-ordinary materials—all informed by prodigious research and Midwestern humor…see the entire review in the print version of July/August’s Sculpture magazine.