Mindful Vandalism: A Conversation with Hew Locke

Hew Locke is a self-confessed “maximalist.” His sculptures, installations, drawings, and photographs overflow with miscellanea, their materials ranging from plastic toys and beads to brass etchings and golden filigree. This physical profusion mirrors an abundance of thematic references—voodoo, slavery, migration, colonialism, globalization, media voyeurism, and corporate greed, to name a few.

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Tiril Hasselknippe

NEW YORK Magenta Plains Visitors to this demanding show by Norwegian-born, New York-based sculptor Tiril Hasselknippe first encountered Braut (2020), a group of five roughly textured, handmade concrete columns, descending in height from roughly seven to just over four feet.

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Eclectic Autonomy

John Van Alstine: Sculpture 1971–2018, heavy and beautiful as a coffee table book, is much more than that. It is a tribute to John Van Alstine’s long career, spanning decades of work in which his sculptures have interpreted urban and pastoral influences, with a nod to the massive undertakings of Land artists such as Robert Smithson and Michael Heizer.

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2018–2020 Vancouver Biennale

VANCOUVER Various locations The Vancouver Biennale is more than an international sculpture festival—it’s a civic gestalt. Founded by Barrie Mowatt in 2002, it has consistently pushed the envelope in terms of form and content, with works that challenge the sleepy complacency and conservatism that bely the city’s reputation for cosmopolitanism.

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