Dispatch: documenta X

Kassel Over its 40-year history, documenta has served many agendas. In the years following World War II it countered Hitler’s denunciation of “degenerate” Modernism as well as the competitive polemics of the Cold War by promoting the values and marketability of European and American abstraction and Pop art.

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Reactionary Transactions

Rei Naito, Marie-Ange Guilleminot, Matthew Ngui, and Christine Hill discuss the summer’s art events and the artists’ attempts to bridge the gap between object and viewer. Technology was rife in this summer’s big three European exhibitions-the Venice Biennale, documenta X, and Sculpture Projects Münster-but several young artists seemed intent upon interpersonal transactions with their audience,

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König on Münster ’97

Carolee Thea Interviews Curator Kasper König Kasper König is the curator of Sculpture Projects Münster ’97, along with Klaus Bussmann. The team also directed Sculpture Projects Münster in 1987. König attended the Courtauld Institute of London University for Art History from 1963 to 1964 and the New School for Social Research for anthropology in 1965.

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