Los Angeles
Re-Approaching Tony Smith
Light Up, 1971. Painted steel, 21 x 16.5 x 28.75 ft. Light Up, 1971. Painted steel, 21 x 16.5 x 28.75 ft. Once in a rare while you come across a public sculpture that so transforms the space its in that it takes your breath away, and you return again and again to see if
Experience, Complicity & Quality
Aesthetic experience is used to serve so many competing economic and political interests that we must be as clear as possible about why we value art…see the full review in November’s magazine.
Surprise Packages
Both art and tourism are the offspring of modern industrialism and a separation of both work and leisure from the rest of life…see the full review in November’s magazine.
Maud Cotter
Dublin Rubicon Gallery Maud Cotter is an lrish sculptor with an extensive track record… see the full review in November’s issue.
Magdalena Abakanowicz
Annette Messager
Virginia Beach
Hall of American Indians