There is a history of forms, structures, writings, which has its own particular time—or rather, times: it’s precisely this plurality which seems threatening to some people.” —Roland Barthes1 With the introduction of the notion of artistic will or urge, the Kunstwollen, which he believed to be an expression of the spiritual conditions of the time, the
The Emptiness of Space: A Conversation with Gio’ Pomodoro
Gio’ Pomodoro was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Sculpture Center in 2002. For a full list of Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, click here. Gio’ Pomodoro’s work is widely known in Europe, the United States, South America, Israel, and Japan.
Yoshitomo Nara
Yokohama A sculpture of a white plastic dog…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Carlos Ulloa: Body, Humor, and Other Systems
VN5, 1999. Plastic, steel, and chewing gum, 70 x 27 x 19 cm. Carlos Ulloa was born in Philadelphia in 1967 to an American mother and a Cuban father. He has spent the most creative period of his life so far, the last eight years or so, in Germany.
Berlin Biennial
Berlin The first Berlin Biennial was an…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Ted Rettig
Kingston, Ontario Canadian artist Ted Rettig is…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Darren Almond
Amsterdam Thirty-year-old British artist…see the full review in April’s magazine.
“Popular CultureS”
Pittsburgh “Popular CultureS” explored the…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Ester Partegàs
New York Too many installations are full of…see the full review in April’s magazine.