Not Vital was born in 1948 in Lower Engadine, a region in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. Twenty years later he moved to Paris to study art. He then studied sculpture at the Centre Universitaire Experimental de Vincennes.
Flat Space Sculpture: A Conversation with Gerold Miller
Is it sculpture? Is it painting? Or is it design? Gerold Miller’s work explores the borders between minimal object and conceptual context—a zone where sculpture, framed surfaces, and sculpturally and visually defined architecture meet. His empty frames of the “hard edge” and “ready-mix” series in aluminum and lacquer rigorously investigate the basic prerequisites of what
Yoshitomo Saito: Reconcilable Differences
Metal pillows, cast canvases, origami without the folds: except for the tangible fact of their existence, Yoshitomo Saito’s sculptures would seem like far-fetched fabrications. If F. Scott Fitzgerald is right that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the
David Smith: Freedom and Myth
David Smith is one of American art’s great apostles of freedom. He spoke about it, wrote about it, and embodied it in his life and art. He refused to be confined by rules or any other boundaries, did not let anyone else dictate to him what was aesthetically acceptable, was ever-alert to unorthodox materials and
“The National Sculpture Prize and Exhibition”
Canberra, Australia Inaugurated in 2000 as a partnership…see the full review in December’s magazine.
William Turnbull
Wakefield, U.K. Yorkshire Sculpture Park launched its…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Mark Zirpel
Seattle Mark Zirpel’s new work is, if anything…see the full review in December’s magazine.
“MTA Arts for Transit”
New York When I first moved to New York…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Gregory Ryan
New York Natural forms predominate in Gregory Ryan’s…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Sidney Geist
New York Sidney Geists recent exhibition included…see the full review in December’s magazine.