Yoshitomo Saito: Reconcilable Differences

Metal pillows, cast canvases, origami without the folds: except for the tangible fact of their existence, Yoshitomo Saito’s sculptures would seem like far-fetched fabrications. If F. Scott Fitzgerald is right that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the

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David Smith: Freedom and Myth

David Smith is one of American art’s great apostles of freedom. He spoke about it, wrote about it, and embodied it in his life and art. He refused to be confined by rules or any other boundaries, did not let anyone else dictate to him what was aesthetically acceptable, was ever-alert to unorthodox materials and

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Antony Gormley

New York Sean Kelly Gallery For some 30 years, Antony Gormley, one of Britain s most respected sculptors, has found new ways of devising the figure. His first solo exhibition in America since 1991 brought together the various concerns with representation that have been at the heart of his creativity for a long time.

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