Beijing-based sculptor Hu Xiaoyuan takes a thoughtful, philosophical approach to contemporary art. Both an installation artist and a creator of individual objects, she is as concerned with the idea of form as its physical existence, investigating the three-dimensional as site as well as object.
Elzie Williams III
NEW YORK M23 Gallery Camouflaged as art objects ready for sale, Williams’s sculptures and installations assert a provocative polemic.
Josh Kline
NEW YORK Whitney Museum of American Art Kline knows what he wants to say, and a focus on labor and class is central to his practice. Exploring urgent social and political issues, he questions how emergent technologies are changing human life; and though he addresses a broad range of public problems, he does not preach.
André Cadere
BRUSSELS Fondation CAB Pictures taken in Brussels reveal a bar of wood on the floor of a subway station, among magazines at a newsstand, next to a man drying his hands in a washroom, and in the hands of an anonymous woman, who, along with two co-workers, appears to be amused by the object.
Engagement and Agency: A Conversation with Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins
For more than two decades, Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins have been making sculpture, installation, and media art in Toronto. They often break conventional barriers between viewer and artwork, using interactivity to engage beyond the visual.
Amalia Mesa-Bains
BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA BAMPFA Mesa-Bains has often spoken about how scent is a powerful trigger for memory; in many instances, she doubles down on such devices for stimulating the recall of emotions with her Wunderkammer-like collections of objects and images, adding layers of complication.
Things of Value and Joy: A Conversation with Hans Op de Beeck
Hans Op de Beeck works across many disciplines. In addition to creating sculptures, immersive environments, short films, paintings, and drawings, he writes, directs, and designs sets for theater and opera and composes music.
Tools to Engage: A Conversation with Thomas Hirschhorn
For more than 35 years, Thomas Hirschhorn, who lives and works in Paris, has addressed political, economic, social, and cultural issues by creating spaces for thought and events.
Grada Kilomba
NEW YORK Pace Representing the ocean or a guardian female deity, the cloth is a synecdoche for a long history of migration journeys across global waters.
Suspended States: A Conversation with Camille Norment
Camille Norment shapes sound in relation to time, space, and the human body. Her work, which embraces sculpture, architecture, and history, explores sonic and social dissonance—as well as harmony—through her notion of cultural psychoacoustics, which includes the investigation of sound as a force over cultures, societies, and minds, as well as human and non-human bodies.