Marcello Morandini

Mantua, Italy Casa del Mantegna The work of a living sculptor who describes the “infinite and eternal world of geometry” might, or might not, fit happily into living space planned with geometrical rigor by a 15th-century painter and now put to use as a gallery.

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Diane Landry: The Clutter of All Things

The world knows many rhythms. From the Earth’s orbit around the sun, which gives us the cycle of seasons, to the planet’s rotation, which creates the periodicity of day and night, down to the very beating of our hearts and the systolic and diastolic movements of blood through our bodies, existence is all about the

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Marc Leuthold: Cosmic Clay

“Marc Leuthold: Sculpture 1995–2010,” an impressive mid-career retrospective of works by the New York-based ceramicist at the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art in Sedalia, Missouri, also included a major new installation. Offering crystallizes the formal and thematic concerns present in all of Leuthold’s work and continues his ongoing challenge to the traditions and assumptions that

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August Ventimiglia: Sculpting the Line

August Ventimiglia’s works on paper, in three dimensions, and directly on walls are based in the historical precedents of Minimalism (thoroughly digested and re-thought) and process art (rationalized and systemized). His tools come from the building trades—sandpaper, chalk, straight edge, plumb line—and with these humble items, he makes works in which the arbitrary is subsumed

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Charles LeDray

Boston Institute of Contemporary Art “Fragile” and “vulnerable” are not words associated with traditional sculpture, but then, Charles LeDray is not a traditional sculptor. Not for him the grandeur of figures carved in marble or cast in bronze, although his work does, in an eccentric way, qualify as figurative.

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Patrick Dougherty

Washington, DC Dumbarton Oaks A contemporary Johnny Appleseed who sows giant orchards, Patrick Dougherty blew into Georgetown last year with one assistant. As friendly as Tom Sawyer recruiting fence-painters, he conjured up a village of 100 volunteers and, for three weeks, led them in harvesting, hauling, and weaving truckloads of maple and hornbeam saplings from

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