Birmingham, U.K.
IKON Gallery
Few opportunities exist to see Donald Judd’s furniture. Chronologically arranged and subtly installed, this exhibition introduced viewers to the renowned Minimalist’s lesser-known career through a comprehensive overview of his furniture design from 1966 to 1992. Judd’s furniture offers a gratifying visual experience, providing a range of perspectives from which to interact with the works, whether as a whole, from the sides, or through details. Though the pieces all have rational dimensions and function-serving forms, they also possess a strong sense of aesthetic control. For instance, when viewed from the side, Bookshelf #34 displays a perfect square grid from the bottom to the top shelf, but its compositional integrity would be compromised if books were placed on the shelves. The thin white width of the Finland Color Plywood stools elegantly defines their geometric shapes, yet they appear too thin and delicate to sustain human weight. …see the entire review in the print version of October’s Sculpture magazine.