Nicola L.

New York Elga Wimmer Gallery Nicola L., a French-born, New York-based sculptor of considerable talent, who has won recognition over a period of decades, recently restaged “Atmosphere in White,” a comprehensive show of her work originally presented at the Liverpool Biennial in 2014.

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Barbara Cooper

Chicago Perimeter Gallery In an age when creating the next new thing is pervasive, Barbara Cooper, a Chicago-based sculptor, offers a refreshing take on art, with nature as her starting point. Rather than compete with nature, she evoked its depths by using repurposed materials in her recent exhibition, “Repur­posing: Small Sculpture.”

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Conrad Bakker

Salt Lake City Utah Museum of Fine Art Artists visiting the state of Utah typically make a pilgrimage to Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty (1970), but they rarely meet the artist head-on, on his own terms. Such was the case, though, with Conrad Bakker’s Robert Smithson Library and Book Club, installed as part of the Utah

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Sofie Muller: Mental Sculptures

“Those diseases which medicines do not cure, iron cures; those which iron cannot cure, fire cures; and those which fire cannot cure, are to be reckoned wholly incurable.” Sofie Muller is fond of quoting this statement by Hippoc­rates, the famous Greek physician and founder of the science of medicine, fascinated by the fact that even

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Visualizing Data: A Conversation with Mary Bates Neubauer

Artist, educator, and innovator, Mary Bates Neubauer, the recipient of the International Sculpture Center’s 2015 Outstanding Educator Award, bridges ancient and cutting-edge technologies. Trained and first hired as a foundry sculptor, she’s broadened her practice at Arizona State University’s sculpture program in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, where she is a professor

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Mariana Castillo Deball

Berlin Hamburger Bahnhof Parergon, an ambitious, operatic installation from Mexican artist Mariana Castillo Deball, explored the biographies of objects in various Ber­lin museums, particularly the Nationalgalerie. As the title, which means “supplementary work” or “by­­product,” suggests, the work examined and decrypted the history of these collections, their buildings, exhibits, and protagonists.

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