Aiko Hachisuka, installation view with (foreground) Slow Turn, 2015. Silkscreen on clothing, foam, and steel support, 62 x 42 x 42 in.

Aiko Hachisuka

New York

Eleven Rivington

In Aiko Hachisuka’s second solo exhibition at Eleven Rivington, fabric sculptures beckoned with stalagmite forms and brightly printed surfaces. Continuing her neatly sewn patchworks of mostly outerwear and jackets, these seemingly static cylinders belie an eerie world of body forms that leave traces of their presence through substantial absence. Using this mechanism, Hachisuka’s work deftly explores the deeper implications of transience and imperfection within the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-sabi. In Slow Turn (2015), filled-out sleeves, inflated button-down corduroy jackets, and thick woven shirts intertwine like a heap of supine human figures flung together. …see the entire review in the print version of November’s Sculpture magazine.