Installation view of “ON BOARD THE SHIPS AT SEA ARE WE” at The FLAG Art Foundation, 2019. Photo: Steven Probert

Lawrence Weiner at The FLAG Art Foundation

Artist Lawrence Weiner talks with Glenn Fuhrman, Founder of The FLAG Art Foundation, about his art, the kindness of strangers, changing the world through culture, and more.

In conjunction with the exhibition “ON BOARD THE SHIPS AT SEA ARE WE: Robert Therrien, Lawrence Weiner, Rachel Whitehead” and the launch of FLAG’s 10th Anniversary Book, The FLAG Art Foundation: 2008-2018, Lawrence Weiner spoke earlier this year with Glenn Fuhrman, Founder of the FLAG Art Foundation.

“ON BOARD THE SHIPS,” which features four artworks in a “surreal dialogue that shifts viewers’ perceptions of scale, materiality, and the physical absence of the body,” is on view at The FLAG Art Foundation through August 16, 2019.