On the Cover
Janet Echelman, 1.26, 2010. Spectra (R) fiber, high-tenacity polyester fiber, and lighting, 230 x 63 x 30 ft. Work installed at Civic Center Park, Denver, CO. Photograph: Peter Vanderwarker.
In this Issue…
In the September issue of Sculpture: Special focus on sculpture and photography (with particular emphasis on artists who build small dioramas in order to exhibit eerily realistic photographs of them), in articles by Edward Gomez and Shelley Rice; plus Janet Echelman’s ethereal public art, Claire Lieberman’s Jell-O, glass, and rubber sculpture, and sculptors Jan-Ru Wan from Taiwan and Sopheap Pich from Cambodia.
Also, in the print and digital version of September’s Sculpture – Itinerary, Commissions and ISC News.
September’s Full Feature Article:
Sculpting Urban Airspace: Janet Echelman
If your eye becomes entangled by the beauty of a huge fishing net cast into the vast blue of the sky, it has probably been caught in a work by Janet Echelman.