It’s rare for Irish sculptors, particularly those from Northern Ireland, to have a high profile by the time they are in their early 30s, but Brendan Jamison, seemingly without effort, has propelled himself into the limelight and is unlikely to be dislodged in the near future. I say “seemingly” because Jamison makes everything look easy, which is, of course, the mark of the true professional. In fact, he is a meticulously hard worker and an unusually gifted artist who uses non-traditional sculptural materials. Over the past decade, he has shown across three continents, and he has a “nose” for the high profile, such as his sugar-cube sculptures of the Tate Gallery and No. 10 Downing Street (exhibited at that building). Jamison is quirky and shrewd—one of those rare sculptors whose work has a quiet sense of humor… see the entire article in the print version of December’s Sculpture magazine.