Greg Snider, Project for a Public Fountain, 2012. Mixed media, 18 x 24 x 24 in.

Greg Snider

Victoria, British Columbia

Deluge Contemporary Art

Greg Snider’s eight “Models for the Public Sphere” are absurdist and visionary monuments to human, societal, and governmental follies, abominations, and questionable policies. Using the term “critical realism” to describe his approach, the Vancouver artist cleverly and humorously turns normality on its head in his meticulously crafted, speculative models. Although none of these proposals have yet been submitted for public art competitions, one hopes that at least some will eventually be realized at full scale. With their motorized parts and DIY know-how, these fictional conceptions provide fodder for further reflection on a variety of topical issues…see the entire review in the print version of June’s Sculpture magazine.