Ano, Chiklèt, 2012. Mixed media, 28 x 71 x 79 in.

“Global Caribbean IV: French West Indies & Guiana”

Le François, Martinique

Fondation Clément

Approaching the Fondation Clément, one was struck by the incongruousness—or justice—of a contemporary Caribbean art exhibition at a former slave plantation. Yet with the first step into the foyer, the past ceased to matter. A vibrant, neon-pink chair, upholstered in vinyl, appeared to melt into the floor. Ano (Eddy Firmin) crafted the amusing Chiklèt (i.e., chewing gum), with a matching pink blob like an ottoman. Pay attention, Ano seemed to tease, this exhibition may not be what you expect. Although curator Edouard Duval-Carrié refers to maroon communities (settlements of escaped slaves) in his catalogue essay, the work appeared entirely current and at ease on an international stage… see the entire review in the print version of January/February’s Sculpture magazine.