Exhibition view of Gerold Miller, 2017.

Gerold Miller

New York

Cassina Projects

The German sculptor Gerold Miller lives and works in Berlin. This show, his first in the U.S., offered an anthology of works for which he is well known in Europe. Ostensibly, these sculptures veer toward Minimalism, but they are more deeply connected to theory than works from the American movement, even if this tie is downplayed and hard to uncover. Located somewhere between sculpture, painting, and architecture, the pieces can seem arbitrary and impersonal, even cold. But they are extremely effective, in large part because of Miller’s interest in theory. His sculptures are about sculpture; and his paintinglike reliefs are about painting. This investigation into the fundamental elements of sculpture is similar to that of Josef Albers, another German who looked at art with exploratory detachment…see the entire review in the print version of June’s Sculpture magazine.