Natalia Gonzalez, Light Recordings, 2011. Steel, automated lights, wire, pulleys, plumb bob, concrete, and shadows, dimensions variable.

“Factory Installed 2011”


Mattress Factory

In 2006, the Mattress Factory introduced a new exhibition series devoted to site-specific work. For “Factory Installed 2011” (the second installment), independent curator Katherine Talcott, together with MF co-directors Barbara Luderowski and Michael Olijnyk, selected six international artists from 600 submissions: Natalia Gonzalez (Bolivia), Mariana Manhães (Ukraine), Nika Kupyrova (Brazil), Than Htay Maung (Burmese-born, Pittsburgh-based), Veronica Ryan (West Indies-born, now New York), and Pablo Valbuena (Spain, living in Toulouse, France). This multi-faceted show fluctuated in value and presented an assortment of concepts, materials, and styles…see the entire review in the print version of May’s Sculpture magazine.