Robert Benson

ARCATA, CALIFORNIA Goudi’ni Native American Arts Gallery Benson’s approach to found timbers that have been preshaped by natural forces is consonant with the way that trails get inscribed, step by step, into the land. Address to materials is guided by a perception of latent form.

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James Lee Byars and Seung-taek Lee

LONDON Michael Werner Gallery Unlike Lee, who grew up in a unified Korea under Japanese rule and whose work demonstrates a complicated, ambivalent attitude toward what had been an oppressive culture, Byars welcomed it, immersing himself in traditional Japanese arts and the aesthetic traditions of Shinto and Zen.

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Louise Nevelson

NEW YORK Galerie Gmurzynska Presenting myriad mixed-media collage works executed throughout the late 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s, the exhibition demonstrates that collage was not only a passing fancy for Nevelson, but the mooring to her entire enterprise.

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EJ Hill

NORTH ADAMS, MASSACHUSETTS MASS MoCA EJ Hill has been making work about roller coasters for years, following an obsession that began in childhood. Some of his previous roller coaster sculptures have operated as inert platforms for his performances, which are often durational.

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Elisa D’Arrigo

NEW YORK Elizabeth Harris Gallery Delightfully bodied and splendidly decked out in glazes of many colors, the 20 new ceramic works in Elisa D’Arrigo’s current exhibition make their presence emphatically felt despite the modesty of their measurements.

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Mika Rottenberg

SAN FRANCISCO Contemporary Jewish Museum Captured in one of Rottenberg’s spell-binding loops, as if in a newly created circle of Hell, you return again and again to each of these strange scenes, trying to parse their meaning.

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Ebony G. Patterson

NEW YORK New York Botanical Garden In the conservatory, discretely placed sculptures disrupt the palm court with evidence of exploitation and concealed secrets, revealing the hidden histories that lie just beneath the botanical garden’s scientific reserve.

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