Ted Larsen: Surfaced Forms

Ted Larsen’s sculptures are intimate and self-contained. His simple geometric forms resemble found objects, suggesting a past, reminiscent of something previously encountered. Though understated, the objects demand consideration: proximity encourages examination, which then reveals the nuanced complexity.

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Wolfgang Laib: A Detail of Infinity

Much has been written about Laib’s artistic constants—his hermetic practice, distilled forms, and organic materials. A convergence of three projects in 2013 hinted at evolutionary changes in his work: “Over the last few years, I’ve made fewer exhibitions and don’t want to repeat things.

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Touching Reality: A Conversation with Giuseppe Penone

Giuseppe Penone takes an almost animistic approach to sculpture, instilling material, process, and object with a ritual significance that moves beyond the conventions of culture to capture something innate, though forgotten, in human nature. His definition of art is deceptively, disarmingly simple: the task of the artist is to explore the reality of the world

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