The Art of Elisa Arimany

La Força díuna idea (The Strength of an Idea), 1992. Iron, 16.5 x 13 x 13 ft. Several years ago, New York Times art critic Michael Kimmelman called attention to an exhibition of outdoor sculpture then on display at Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, Queens.

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Nancy Grossman: Opus Volcanus

Opus Volcanus, 1994. Leather, wood, metal, rubber, acrylic, 50 x 80.125 in. Photo: Larry Lamay. The challenge in coming to terms with the art of Nancy Grossman is an internal one. To see one of her ferocious life-size heads, bound in black leather, zippered-up, with protruding features and gnarled teeth, all exquisitely carved and crafted,

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