Catherine Burgess: Eloquent Enigmas

“Austere, elegant. Uncompromising, ambiguous. Stern, seductive. Lucid, mysterious. Lean, sumptuous.” This stream of adjectives comes from notes that I took on my most recent visit to Catherine Burgess’s studio in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The inherent contradictions in this list are not indications of indecisiveness on my part or that of the artist.

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Euphoric Sculpture: A Conversation with Franz West

A delightful court jester in an art world that often takes itself too seriously, Franz West straddles the line between the solemn and the absurd. His poignant forms—maladroit groupings of furniture; eccentric, misshapen, polychrome lumps of papier-mâché and plaster in bright outlandish colors; ambiguous organic shapes; and complex collages with sexual undertones—are permeated by a

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Excavating Destiny: A Conversation with Shawn Skabelund

Since his first installation, A Line, Issued Out of the Ground (1994), which traced the ties connecting dam construction and Chinook salmon deaths in the Columbia River Basin, Flagstaff-based Shawn Skabelund has been creating large-scale, site-specific, socio-political works that explore what Wendell Berry calls the “unsettling of America,” namely, the effects, marks, and changes that humans make

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Darrell Petit: Mass and Matter

In Darrell Petit’s environmental sculptures, stone achieves a dialogue between order and chaos, a balance between mass and space. By preserving the ties between sculptural forms and their source in the earth, Petit acknowledges our place within the context of nature.

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Justin Randolph Thompson: Shrines and Found History

Justin Randolph Thompson’s large-scale sculptures and installations are rooted in cultural history. Using an idiosyncratic vocabulary, his work unfolds complex stories by means of carefully crafted organic and geometric metaphors. Juxtapositions of old materials and new techniques create a synthesis of multi-faceted meanings inspired by pain and destruction in times past, cultural rituals, and sacred

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