Focus: Public Art Practice in Berlin

Berlin ranks high among the world’s urban centers. What makes this city so special, so worth living in or visiting? Perhaps it is the rewarding experience of feeling a sense of place. Successful cities are attractive because significance of place, particularly unique artistic and cultural attractions, sets them apart.

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Thinking Through Objects: Malia Jensen

Malia Jensen has emerged from a generation of younger sculptors who express content through a language of hybrid objects, rather than continuing last century’s aesthetic exploration of art about art. Her recent exhibition “Conjunctions,” at the Richard Gray Gallery in Chicago, forged adroit combinations of materials and meanings to fabricate sculpture of physical, conceptual, and

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Mobile Homes: A Conversation with Casey McGuire

Casey McGuire combines moving imagery of her own body, often in vulnerable positions, with architectural and animal forms to create installations whose atmosphere is both alluring and disconcerting. An Honorable Mention recipient of the International Sculpture Center’s Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Awards for her “Sand Mandala Series” (Sculpture, October 2005), McGuire was an

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